Monday, April 6, 2009

April 6 - Personal training day 6

After a teambuilding at work (read: many cookies consumed), I headed to day 6 of personal training. After a 5 min. warm-up, I was given the run down on the workout ahead of me - seven exercises, which would be performed in a row six times. First set I'd do 20 reps of the 7 exercises, next set 19, then 18, 17..16..15. The first was leg press w/ 130 pounds. Next up was lunges w/ overhead shoulder press. Then ball squats, then lat pull down (60 lbs) then sit ups then push ups (which later turned into chest press) and finally, seated rows (4o lbs). My goodness. I managed to bang my knee pretty hard on the third set of leg press, which caused a little blood and a bit of uneasiness to my stomach. I felt dizzy. The worst was the lunges with overhead press. Oh, and when Trainer Byoung told me how many reps I'd done - five hundred and something - I felt slightly better.

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