Sunday, April 26, 2009

April 26 - 13.25 miles!

After four hours of sleep (and Guinesses, and sushi for a friend's b-day), I still woke up to meet the Fab 4 for a 7 mile run. Scarfed down a piece of peanut butter toast at 6 and still made it at 6:30. Weather was nice - 69 degrees, 78% humidity. Blythe was late so Kelly, Rachael and I took off and Blythe met us around mile 3. We stayed on pace, between a 9 and 10 minute mile. Around mile 7 I made an emergency pit stop into McDonald's. We continued on for 10 miles, finishing in 1:53, then ate breakfast and had coffee at Mimi's. When I got home the sky was overcast but I wanted to be outside, so I laced up my sneakers, changed clothes and went for another jog. I ran 3.25 more miles. Crazy? Definitely.

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