Monday, April 20, 2009

April 20 - Personal training day 12

I fueled pre-workout with chocolate fudge Myoplex light (17 grams of protein — hooray!) and headed downtown to face whatever Byoung had in store for me. My left inner knee was hurting. I started with step overs where one leg is on a bench and then I step up and over the bench and back then pull my knee in twice and repeat. It felt like my quad was on fire. I lasted one set and then next round we changed it to squats with rows. Also did decline push ups, stationary lunge with ab twist (using the resistance band), an akward side walk with a small resistance band around my ankles, single-arm chest press, single arm bent over row with 15-lb. dumbbell, bicycle crunches, crunches with the big ball, single leg squat to row and another arm/shoulder exercise. And a mile run in the middle of that, with Kelly. It was tough and I felt like a wimp. Hopefully day 13 will be better.

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