Friday, April 10, 2009

April 10 - Personal Training Day 8

What could be better than starting a three-day weekend with a bright and early 8 a.m. personal training session? Starting off with 2 minutes of wall sits, followed by 15 dead lifts (50 lbs) then walking lunges with overhead ball (6 lbs) twists? Or incline bench press with two 12s followed by modified pull-ups (under the bar...20 reps...owww!)? Or the standing chest press using the resistance band? Or the side lunges with 8-lb. bicep curls on the way up? Or the inner thigh machine (70 lbs) with simultaneous overhead 8-lb. shoulder press, followed by this crazy ab exercise where I lay on my back with hands above me gripping a handle and then I bring my knees in and up 25 times? I even got to repeat the circuit three times before doing a mile on the elliptical at level 20 and incline 10. When being stretched I began seeing flashing, blinking lights. I asked Byoung what this was, since it had happened on two other recent occasions when leaving my session. The culprit? Low blood sugar. I refueled on a Myoplex light bar and my sight was back to normal. I enjoyed today's exercises far more than those on Wednesday. My scowls were at a minimum.

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