Sunday, January 31, 2010

January 31 - Double Digits! 10 miles

It was 44 "feels like 37" degrees, 71% humidity, with NNE 17 mph (insert groan here!) winds, but grey and cloudy, and if you ask me - perfect running weather (minus the winds). Visor, long sleeve cotton shirt, shorts, compression calf sleeves, New Balances, mittens. The first 2 miles weren't too fun, but around mile 6 I felt great, and by 8, felt I could go all day. I made myself stop at 10 (1 hr 42 min), as the 1/2 marathon is three weeks away. Stopped for water a few times and downed a GU with caffeine almost to mile 6. My left outer ankle/side achilles is still and bothered me a bit early on in the run. Not sure what the deal is.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

January 28 - 4 miles (dreadmill!) + 2 mile walk

Finally got up this morning and met Lisa at the gym - she ran 6, and I did 4 relatively easy (43:30) miles. My HR got up to 164, and I was running around 9:40 to 10-min. mile pace. Thank goodness for each other or we would have both called it a day after about a mile. I haven't done a treadmill run in more than a month. I've enjoyed running outside, even when it's boring, just for the fresh air and change of scenery. After the 4 I did some arm weights and stretches. My right knee hurt a tiny bit during the run/walk. At work I did two miles (6 laps) with my two co-workers and then throughout the day climbed 6 flights of stairs 3x.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

January 27 - 2 mile walk

6 laps around the lake (in sneakes!) at work yielded about 2 miles (33 minutes) with two co-workers. I'm wearing my Garmin next time so we know for sure.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

January 26 - 6 miles

63 degrees, sunny, windy - 18 mph - 4:15 p.m. Took two days off due to work travel. Felt good, even ran some in the 8:30-9 minute pace range. Finished 6 miles in 1:02, with walk breaks.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

January 23 - 5 miles

Mid-morning 5 miles. Lots of walk breaks (maybe 2 days back to back wasn't a great idea after being sick), and lots of wind. Short sleeve shirt again, shorts, visor, and my new compression calf sleeves.

Friday, January 22, 2010

January 22 - 4 miles

Finally feeling better after being sick for a week+. I did 4 easy miles in 41 minutes, impressed that I was able to bounce back so quickly. Short sleeves, hat, shorts!

Monday, January 18, 2010

January 18 - 3 miles

Ugh, have been sick since Wednesday night so no running for me lately. Having the day off from work today, and breezy 65-degree temperatures, I set out in shorts, dri-fit short sleeve shirt, and visor. I aimed for three, and made it three but the lungs weren't having it. (had to walk a lot) The legs, on the other hand, felt fabulous. I wore my new ZXU calf compression sleeves from Jacksonville Running Company and they were awesome.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

January 13 - 6 mile bike ride

So I haven't ridden in a bike in forever, but a friend let me borrow his Schwinn, so I set off for a ride. It was SO windy and cold with the wind flapping in my face. I wore shorts, a long sleeve cotton shirt and a lululemon headband with mittens. My hands and lower back were hurting a bit by the time I finished. I played around with the gears to make it hard at certain parts and easier on others. It was an interesting experience. I think I actually prefer running, which is odd, because I saw everything faster on the bike ride, which was neat. I did about 6 miles and was happy to be done.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

January 12 - 5 miles

5 mile run after work in under 52 minutes with walk breaks - my legs felt heavy the first mile or so, then I got moving. It was in the 40s and not too windy.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

January 10 - 10 miles

Burrr...29 degrees at 10 a.m., but the sun was shining and skies were blue. I was going to run yesterday but it was cold and grey, otherwise known as miserable. The 10 miler was a decent run in tights, shorts, long-sleeve shirt, mittens, and visor. Everything was good until about mile 9, running home in the wind. Ugh! Ran with the 8 oz water bottle and refilled it once. It was neat to see icicles on shrubs (I knocked some off with my mittens, which was fun) and frozen water on sidewalks. Did not enjoy running through Reedy Branch, as I ran all of its streets and cul-de-sacs. I typically like running through neighborhoods because the houses are different, and there's always something to distract me. This one was just boring.

Monday, January 4, 2010

January 4 - 4 miles

4 miles with walk breaks in 41 minutes at lunch. Long sleeve cotton shirt (bad idea), shorts, visor, mittens. Despite being blue skies, sunny and windy and cold - 44 - I was still warm and sweaty. The wind was brutal.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

January 3 - Gym

20 minutes on the big elliptical with arms (HR up to 160), then 20 minutes on the bike (HR to almost 140) then did arms/chest/back weights at the gym.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

January 2, 2010 - 6 miles in the new year!

10 a.m.: 41, feels like 35, wind 10 mph, and sunny. I did capri Nike tights, dri-fit long sleeve shirt, visor and mittens and probably would have been good in shorts. I made it about a mile and a half before wanting to turn around and go home but I kept going. Lots of walk breaks and just felt overall tired and legs felt heavy, despite not doing anything the last two days. I stopped to refill my small water bottle twice and had a GU with caffeine around mile 1. Did 6 miles.