Friday, April 3, 2009

April 3 - 1/2 mile run - Personal training Day 5

Yesterday was a challenging workout with personal trainer, and when he offered Kelly and I a "boot camp" workout the next day, we thought, that can't be too bad - right? I was late and started 30 minutes behind, but Kelly and I had the same regimen. A yellow, lined piece of paper sealed our fate. Eight exercises, in order, performed four complete times. The first time all 8 are performed with 25 reps, the second 20, then 15, then 10 (much better than round 1). The first was legpress (130 lbs!) then squats with overhead press (30 lbs), incline chest press (10 lbs), squat with overhead ball throw, squat to row (20 lbs), lat pulldown (60 lbs) then walking lunges with 10 lb. ball, alternating sides. Oh, then 4 minutes of hardcore cardio. The first time was 4 min on the elliptical, the second time was 4 min. on the stairstepper (heart rate to 170-something!) and the final one was the kicker - a half mile jog outside, two big laps around the neighborhood. My legs felt like bags of sand. Sweating would be an understatement!

1 comment:

marthagl62 said...

Hi Caron...eventually I will start training. I'm so proud of you!