Sunday, May 31, 2009

May 31 - 10 miles

After a nice break yesterday, I met the girls for 10 miles at 6 a.m. Around mile 7.5 I had to "go." I ducked into McDonalds and the girls kept going. I walked for a few minutes after due to the hurt tummy, but then caught up with them, but was behind, so I ran the last .5 on my own. Overall the run was good, it was 74 degrees and 82% humidity so we were all very sweaty. My left IT band hurt as usual and my front shin was bothering me around mile 8.5, which was odd.

May 29 - Personal Training Day 29 + 2 miles

Full from two slices of Mellow Mushroom pizza with marinara before my workout, I ran a mile with Kelly to warm up then met a new workout in which we'd do 8 exercises with cardio in between sets — but four sets total — the first set 10 reps of everything, second set 15 reps, third 20 and fourth...25!

1. Squat to row - 20 lbs each arm
2. Deadlift to upright row - 30 lb barbell
3. Lat pulldown - 60 lbs
4. Db chest press w/ 17.5 lb weighs
5. Db thruster with 12-lb. weights
6. Yellow band alt. side lunge to reach
7. Chop jump squat w/ 14-lb. ball
8. Decline sit-up to press w/ 8-lb. weights

After set 1, jump rope 300 times. This proved to be very difficult as pizza was sloshing around in my stomach. I'd get to 30, then stop, then 50, then stop, then 100, and stop, 150...300, finally. After set 2, stairmaster w/ 6-lb. medicine ball overhead for 4 minutes on level 6. This was also difficult. Third set was elliptical at level 10 for 4 minutes. After the fourth and final set of 25 (so hard!) of everything we ran another mile, which felt surprisingly good. I got home and felt like I had the flu — so achy! I showered and then went out for thai, and felt suprisingly better after.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

May 27 - Personal Training Day 28 + 3.25 miles

Warmed up by running 4 quarter mile loops with Kelly since it looked like a storm was moving in. Then:
1. 2-minute tabata squats (20 sec. squats, 10 seconds hold, repeat)
2. *Static lunge to shoulder press (7 lbs.) - 15 each leg
3. Kettle ball swing (25 lbs) x 15 reps
4. Dumbbell chest press to leg raise - 17.5 lbs x 20 reps
5. Leg extension to *reverse standing skull crushers - 45 lbs x 20 reps, skullcrushers - 25 reps
6. Hamstring curl machines - 30 lbs x 25 reps
7. *Rear delt fly machine - 40 lbs x 12-15 reps
8. Rope pulldown skiiers - 50 lbs x 20 reps
9. 1-arm dumbbell row - 15 lbs x 20 reps
10. *1 leg bosu ball crunch - 40 each leg

I had a Cami Cake (cupcake) around 3 and I definitely felt it sitting in my stomach. The workout was good. I continue to despise the kettle ball swing and downgraded my weight from 36-lb. kettleball to a 25-lb. dumbbell. The reverse standing skull crushers (for triceps) were interesting and effective. Ran a half mile between set 1 and set 2, then a mile and a quarter at the end.

Monday, May 25, 2009

May 25 - Personal Training Day 27 + 2 miles

Warmed up with 1 mile run with Kelly. Then straight into three sets of:

1. Leg press (185 lbs) to jump squats - 25 of each
2. Lat pulldown - 70 lbs x 15 reps
3. Incline barbell chest press - 55 lbs. x 15 reps
4. Step over w/ 1/2 step up x 10 each leg
5. Side lunge to bicep curl 8 lbs x 15 each side
6. CC bent over row - 60 lbs x 20 reps
7. Dumbbell pullover - 20 lbs x 20 reps
8. Inner thigh to overhead tri-extension w/ red 10-lb ball - 80 lbs x 25
9. Standing dumbbell tricept extensions - 15 lbs x 20 reps
10. Bicycle kicks 1 leg stationary - 40 each
Then ran 1 more mile for cool-down.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

May 24 - 5 miles + yoga

75 degrees and very humid, I set out to run a few miles at 8:30 a.m. Ate a few raw cashews and a packet of honey pre-run, figuring I wouldn't go too far. Left IT band began hurting around mile 3. Stopped in for ice water at a coffee shop at mile 3.5. I ran/walked for 53 minutes — 5 miles.

P.M. yoga class was great!

Saturday, May 23, 2009

May 23 - Personal Training Day 27 (Bootcamp) + 1.25 miles

The Fab Four tackles Saturday morning bootcamp at w/ Byoung!

Warm-up was a quarter mile jog outside. Then we were broken into three groups. There were three stations set up — one with cardio and two with a total of 10 exercises each.

The first circuit (each exercise for 30 seconds, rotating through the circuit) we did was step-ups, assisted pull-ups, rope pull-ups, plie squat, sled, band chest press, sumo squat to upright row, deadlift to tricep extension, to lunge/reaches w/ 10-ball ball, to 10-lb. ball swings. The second circuit (again 30 seconds each) consisted of kettle ball swing, bosu ball lat pull downs, dumbell squat thrusters (12 lbs), bench chest press (15 lbs), delt raises, mountain climbers on the 10-lb. ball, burpees, rowing machine, sit-ups, and bicycle crunches. The third circuit was 9 minutes of cardio. I opted for the ellipitical (level 10) for the first, and for the second set we ran a mile outside.

Friday, May 22, 2009

May 22 - Personal Training Day 26

Day off of work = 8:30 a.m. workout. Peanut butter toast for b'fast. I was greeted with 40 body squats (I misread and did 50 each round) then .25 mile jog around the block, repeat 4x. So I mistakenly did an extra 40 squats — overachiever!

1. Walking lunges to tricep extension - 10 lb. ball x down and back
2. Resistance band side rotations - 20 each side (orange band)
3. *Deadlift to upright row - 30 lb. barbell x 20 reps
4. *Dumbbell step-up on tall box - 10 lbs. each arm x 15 each leg
5. *Flat bench chest press w/ 45-lb. barbell - 20 reps
6. Hamstring curls - 30 lbs. x 25 reps
7. Real push-ups (15) to rope tricep skiers - 40 lbs. x 20 reps
8. Semi bicycle kicks - 35 each side
After set 1: Elliptical level 10 at 20% grade x 4 min.
After set 2: Bike level 10 at 65 RPM x 4 min.
After set 3: 7 min. Elliptical (in place of .50 mile run due to rain)

The warm-up had my HR to 171, and I was tired from the beginning despite a good night's sleep. The workout was tough, especially the resistance band side rotations and the dumbbell step-ups.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

May 19 - Personal Training Day 25

Still raining outside so it was 15-min. on the elliptical for my warm up. Then into a tough workout with three sets of:

1. Barbell thruster (squat to overhead press w/ barbell) - 30 lbs x 10 reps
2. Kettle ball swing - 36 lbs x 20 reps
3. Lat pulldown - 60 lbs x 30 reps
4. Plate sit-up - 25 lbs (impossible, had to change to 14 lbs) x 40 reps
5. Body squats over ball - 50 reps
6. Walking lunge to overhead triceps extension (10 lb ball) x 40 reps
7. Squat with 25-lb. plate (modified to 14 lb ball) x 30 reps
8. Burpees (push up to jump to jump up) x 20 reps
9. Clean (30-lb. barbell upright row to squat) x 10 reps

Cool down was 10-min. on elliptical, level 10. The kettle ball swing - now with 36-lb. kettle ball (instead of 20-lb. dumbell - +16 lbs!?) was tough, and by the second set 30 lat pulldowns weren't much fun either. 

May 18 - Personal Training Day 24

10 minutes on the elliptical for warm-up. Then three sets of:
1. Assisted pull-up machine (90 lbs) x 15 reps
2. Incline machine chest press (15 lbs) x 20 reps
3. Mountain climbers - 40 each
4. DB pullover to knee tucks (20 lbs) x 20 reps
5. Leg extension machine (45 lbs) x 25
6. Inner thigh to shoulder press (80 lbs. / 5 lbs.) x 25 reps
7. 1-arm dumbbell chest press (15 lbs) x 20 each arm
8. *Decline sit up to medicine ball press (10 lb. ball) x 25
9. *5-lb. dumbbell shoulder combo (front, side, diagonal, rotator) x 15 reps each
10. Side V-ups x 30 each
Cool down - 10 min. elliptical

* = new exercises
Overall not as tough, or as sweaty, as days past but a nice break from normal. The side V-ups are hard as was the shoulder combo — by the time I got to the rotator my shoulders were on fire.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

May 17 - 10 miles

Met Rachael and Blythe at 6:30 to run 10 miles, after not sleeping too well and getting up at 5:35 and scarfing some peanut butter toast and water. It was Blythe's first long run since her first marathon two weeks ago. It was 78 degrees/76% humidity upon finishing. The course wasn't too exciting, but there were several water fountains along the way and slushy blue Gatorade (amazing!) at mile 3 and 7. My left IT band was hurting for most of the run after mile 4. Finished in 1:51. 1,164 calories burned. It was tough. Glad this 10 miler is behind us!

Saturday, May 16, 2009

May 16 - 3 miles

83 degrees, 56% humidity = hoooot. I ran the first mile then parts of the second and third but overall 3 miles in 36 minutes.

Friday, May 15, 2009

May 15 - Personal Training Day 23 + 1 mile

Yesterday was a rest day. (Much deserved.) Breakfast was Golden Corral at a mentoring appreciation day — cheese grits, scrambled eggs, biscuit with honey, yogurt, and a few hashbrowns. Lunch at noon was at Ted's Montana Grill today with co-workers an who can beat a $13 three-course meal (cup of New England clam chowder, salad w/ chicken, cheese & tomato and basil vinaigrette dressing, and a peanut butter cookie)? Needless to say, no pre-work out snack as I was still full. 1 mile warm-up run with Hartye and Justice. Then killer leg routine, consisting of three sets of:
1. 2 minute squats (20 seconds continuous, 10 seconds hold)
2. Static lunge with orange band side rotation - 20 each side
3. Sled (pushing the awful sand-filled bin up and down the hall)
4. Squat with 40-lb. dumbbell between my legs - 20 reps
5. Incline chest press w/ 45-lb. bar - 20 reps
6. Tricep (17.5 lbs) bench extension to knee crunch - 20 reps
7. Squat to overhead press w/ 12 lbs. - 20 reps (ugh!)
8. Tricep kickbacks to bicep curls - 10 lbs. x 20 reps
9. Step overs - 100 total (50 each leg)
10. One leg crunch w/ 6 lb. ball (30 each leg)

The sled? Terrible. Step overs? They suck. Squat to overhead press w/ 12-lb. dumbbells? Downright brutal. Despite the nauseousness and dizziness, I survived yet another day. (but not without some groans, moans and even a little whining — but hey, it's Friday!)

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

May 13 - Personal Training Day 21 + 4 miles

Red apple + string cheese + almonds an hour prior to workout. Warm up was a 1 mile run with Alex and Justice, a bit faster than usual, and my HR surprised me and got up to 171. Then did a second mile with Kelly. Then three sets of:

1. Hack squat (laying leg press) - 75 lbs. x 25 reps
2. Rope squat to side twist rotation - 10 lbs. x 30 total reps
3. Lat pulldown small bar - 60 lbs x 20 reps
4. Leg crank (20 single leg lunges w/ ball followed by 20 split jumps w/ ball followed by 20 squat jumps w/ ball) - 6 lb ball
5. 2 minute wall sit
6. Burpees (bosu ball pushup > jump > bosu overhead lift) - 15x
7. Wide chest press on bench w/ 15 lb. dumbells
8. Walking lunge w/ overhead triceps press 10 lb. ball
9. Static bicep curls - 12 lbs x 20 reps
10. Bicycle kick crunches - 100

Overall the exercises were good and three were new (#s 2, 4, 9). I felt a bit lightheaded/dizzy/weird after a few; mostly after and during the leg crank and walking lunges. The static bicep curl was tough — one arm is in a 90 degree angle with elbow at side, just holding the 12 lb. dumbell straight out while the opposite arm does bicep curls. Isolation! After three sets I ran a mile and then Kelly and I ran a mile together. Consumed my trusty vanilla Myoplex Light protein shake immediately after. And my well-deserved dinner consisted of 1/2 of an organic baked chicken breast with fresh feta on top and a side of frozen vegetables — yellow corn, spinach and navy beans. I added some flax seed oil on top for a dose of healthy fat. Mmm!

May 12 - Yoga

Yoga was good, and somewhat more difficult than usual. Sweaty, but great overall.

Monday, May 11, 2009

May 11 - Personal Training Day 21 + 3 miles

String cheese pre-work out and 1-mile warm-up run with Kelly. Then three sets of:

1. Chest press (w/ 2 17.5 lb. dumbells) x 20
2. Overhead tricep extention to leg crunch - 17.5 lbs x 20
3. Deadlift to upright row (35 lb bar) x 15 reps
4. FT tricep kickbacks - 5 lbs. both arms x 25 reps
5. Overhead tricep to leg crunch (17.5 lbs) x 20
6. Lunge to shoulder press (8 lbs.) x down and back
7. Incline chest press 45-lb. bar x 20 reps
8. Tricep skiers - 40 lbs. x 20 reps
9. Seated quad extension - 45 lbs. x 20 reps
10. Bench step up and over w/ double knee - 20 reps
11. Crunch straight leg bicycles - 40 x 2

I ran two miles at the end. Overall a much better workout than Saturday but those lunges to overhead shoulder presses got my HR up to 169. Still having to break the step up and over w/ double knee into four sets of five instead of 2 sets of 10. Oh well.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

May 9 - Personal Training Day 20

Not sure if it was lack of a good night's sleep, or the smallish dinner (Morningstar Farms griller and regular green tea Yogaberry w/ kiwi, blueberries and white chocolate chips) I had last night or what but I seriously thought I was going to die during this morning's session. Yes, I was super sweaty as always but had an overall sense of dread and fatigue. My legs felt fine from yesterday's 8-mile run but overall I just felt like I was dragging. I think I still managed to get a good workout in even if I slighted myself on a few reps here and there.

Ran 1-mile outside to warm up, then three sets:
1. Leg press - 185 lbs x 25 reps
2. Squat to row 20 lbs each arm x15 reps
3. Rowing machine to 500 meters (2 min 30 sec)
4. Barbell thruster (squat to overhead press) - 30 lbs x 15
5. Bosu burpees - 12-15
6. Ice skaters - 25 each leg
7. Static lunge - 40 lbs x 20 each leg
8. Asst. pull-up machine - 90 lbs x 15
9. Dumbbell tricep kickbacks 8 x 20
10. Crunches w/ 6-lb ball - x 25

The assisted pull-ups continue to be killer, especially by the middle of set two. Thankfully Byoung assists but it's still fairly miserable. The barbell thruster is still getting my heart rate up and surprisingly the ice skaters — jumping back and forth on one leg with the behind leg not ever touching the floor — got it up too. (165) The rowing machine is new and an interesting addition to the workout since it's cardio and resistance simultaneously. Overall today's workout I felt the worst and was nearly on the verge of tears. I am very much looking forward to tomorrow's rest day.

Friday, May 8, 2009

May 8 - 8 miles

Met Rachael at 6 a.m. to knock out 6 miles, and I kept going — totaling 8 miles in 1:30. It was humid but not too hot. Left IT band felt tight and stiff but no real pain. Took yesterday off completely (unless you count waxing an SUV as exercise, which I might).

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

May 6 - Personal Training Day 19 + 3.5 miles

Warmed up w/ a 1.5 mile run outside. I do believe summer has arrived. Then 3x:
1. Walking lunge w/ 10 lb. ball overhead for triceps
2. Bench step overs - 10 each leg + 2 step ups
3. Assisted pull-up machine - 90 lbs. x 15 reps
4. Incline dumbbell chest press - 15 lbs. x 20 reps
5. Squat with 10-lb. plate x 25 reps
6. Dumbbell tricep pullover w/ knee tuck - 15 lbs. x 25 reps
7. Deadlift - 40 lb. bar x 15 reps
8. Orange band chest press - 20 reps
9. Seated row - 50 lbs. x 15 reps
10. Stability ball crunches - 25 reps

Forgot my heart rate monitor and for some reason really felt as if today would be the day Byoung would kill me, despite eating well and being hydrated. The stepovers always prove to be unfinishable without shopping and the assisted pull-ups (now 10 lbs. less assistance) were almost unmanageable. I ran another mile at the end and then after getting stretched, ran 1 more mile with Andres, Kelly and Justice which surprisingly was the easiest mile of all. Go figure!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

May 5 - Yoga

Yoga! And we got to do pigeon pose.

Monday, May 4, 2009

May 4 - Personal Training Day 18 + 4 miles

1 mile run outside for warm-up. Then 3 sets of 10 exercises. Ran a mile with Kelly when she arrived. Ran another mile after two sets and it started raining and it was so humid it smelled like damp cardboard in the air. Kelly and I even tackled a mile at the very end, bringing my total to 4 miles.

1. 2 minute squats (20 seconds then 10 seconds hold, repeat)
2. 1 leg hamstring curls 15 lbs. x 15 reps
3. Dumbbell chest press to leg rasie 15 lbs x 20 reps
4. Assisted pull-up 100 lbs. x 15 reps
5. Incline chest press machine 15 x 15 reps
6. Orange band chest press 15 reps
7. Squat to row - 20 lbs 15 reps
8. Split squat jumps 20 reps each leg
9. Rope skier pulldowns 40 lbs x 20 reps
10. Double crunch with 10 lb. ball x 30 reps

Have I mentioned I hate split squat jumps? Well, I do.

May 3 - 6 miles

Kelly, me, Rach

After two rest days and being gone for a wedding, it was time to run again. A six-mile run with Kelly and Rachael went well — despite all I had consumed (in solid and liquid form) at the wedding. We ran at 7 p.m., which was different for us, but it wasn't too hot. We missed Blythe, who was out of town running her first marathon in Cincinnati!

Friday, May 1, 2009

May 1 - REST

Finally. A day of much deserved rest & relaxation.