Wednesday, December 31, 2008

December 31 - 1 mile & Happy Old Year!

Uusally I just blog when I've run, and today I just ran 1 mile but that's still running, so I'm going to count it. I did 10 min on the bike, 10 min (1 mile) on treadmill, 10 min on elliptical, and then 10 on the other elliptical. I promptly ate a Godiva chocolate and a Butterfinger mini at work, thereby defeating the purpose of the morning workout. Oh well! This is my 99th blog posting, so post 100 will be in the new year - 2009. I'd like to wish everyone a happy old year, as I look back and reflect on the past 365 days, along with a great new year filled with possibility. This past year I began training for my first marathon, completed two half marathons, ran my fastest Gate River Run 15k, traveled to Boston, Charleston (SC) and Savannah for the first time, lost my dog of 14 years, moved into the marketing department at work, saw one of my two cousins get married, reconnected with my middle school friend and old doubles tennis partner Kristen, made amazing new friends, joined Rotaract (young professionals volunteer organization), split with my boyfriend of 2 1/2 years, and in the meantime have learned a lot about life and myself. I've learned a lot about who my true friends are - those who inspire me and are bring positive influence to my life, and those who really are not true friends, who have proven to be two-faced, or insincere. Nothing stands in the way of my goals, and if you want something and work towards it, you can have it. The funniest thing I heard all year relating to my marathon training (aside from the ever-so-popular "are you crazy!?) time and time again was "Oh, I'm not a runner. I could never do that!" The amazing thing is - neither was I. 

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

December 30 - 5 miles

I usually do not run two days in a row by my favorite treadmill was open at the gym after work, so I figured I should reconnect with it seeing as how it had been weeks since it was available. I ran 1 mile, walked 1 minute, ran to two miles, etc. to 5 miles in 49 minutes. I felt fairly good and maintained at least a 6.2 pace for the  most part, and worked my way up to 7.5 mph at the end. High HR of 179. In the final two minutes my right calf was hurting a little. Tomorrow I shall rest. Happy Old Year!

Monday, December 29, 2008

Special post - be careful!

One of the "fasties" (the fastest group in our Jacksonville Galloway training program), Kuris, posts a video each week on his 26.2 With Donna Marathon training/running blog. I saw Kurtis at the Rail Trail Saturday for the 23 miles and he appeared to be fine when we passed the Fasties around the halfway mark. Apparently the 23 miles were not good to him, and several others in the program. He ended up in the hospital with crutches due to his shoes being tied too tight (runners - beware!) and the high dew point and humidity proved to be an issue as well. Here's his video post:

December 29 - 4 miles

So two days after the big 23 miles I was able to pull off four miles non-stop on the treadmill (in 39 minutes) after work. Nothing fancy, started at 6.0 mph and worked my way up to 6.8 for the final two minutes. My feet were fine, legs were fine, lungs were fine. Right above my left hip hurts so I am icing.

Saturday, December 27, 2008


Twenty three miles...this one deserves a sit.

Up at 3:50 on very little sleep (I hate you upstairs neighbors!), downed two pieces of peanut butter toast w/ a banana and 16.9 oz of water. I usually am able to "go" (sorry.) before these runs, but today I wasn't and I was scared if that would adversely effect my run. When Laura picked me up at 5, we both looked at each other and were not really into the idea of embarking on a 23 mile journey. Oh well. We got to the Rail Trail early, and I was lucky enough to borrow someone's flashlight and squat quickly in the port-o-potty. We were off at 6 a.m. and it was foggy and humid, around 65 degrees. Headlamps and blinking red and blue lights led the way. The first few miles you couldn't see the mile markings which was actually nice. By the time it was light enough to see we'd gotten to mile 4, and at mile 6 the group stopped to use the restroom. I made it all five hours with no bathroom stops. Around mile 7 my IT band just outside my right knee began to twinge. I stopped to stretch it and it got better. I had a banana Hammergel at mile 8 with some Powerade. I had tried a new way of carrying my fuel today. I pinned one gel to the outside of my shorts and one to the other. It worked really well. I only carried one in my trusty plastic bag which also contained kleenex ("just in case"), band-aids, vaseline, and an extra hair tie. At mile 10 I knew we had just 1.5 more to go before we'd turn around. The half mark came, we turned, and headed back - smiles all around. Around mile 15 my left upper calf just below my knee was stiff and sore. The bottom outside of my left foot was also beginning to hurt. Laura wasn't having a good run and was mentally trying to push past it. I kept telling her...9 more miles...then it became 7 more miles...then soon it was 4...and 3 ("anyone can do THREE!") then two ("TWO! TWO MORE!") and finally 1.5 then 1. It's amazing how slow it feels sometimes but yet you just keep moving and keep those legs going. Tried a new flavor Hammergel - raspberry - around mile 16. The walk breaks are nice but it's hard to get moving again. Our group was smaller since some people did the Jacksonville Bank Marathon last Sunday. Everyone is friendly and chatty, we exchange humorous stories and make the best of the time outdoors we spend together. We even spotted a crazy red and yellow snake today. And towards the end I just kept telling myself we were almost there..almost. Finally after the last water and Powerade station at mile 21 it was the homestretch. We got to the end and I jogged the rest, then had two cups of cold orange flavored Endurox and sat and stretched. Rachel, who ran with group 2, limped over and joined Laura and I on the grass. It felt so nice to sit and be done.

December 27 - Off to run 23 miles

As I sit here at 4:10 a.m. eating my nicely peanut buttered toast and banana with bottle of water, I wonder if I am crazy. It's foggy out (65 degrees, 100% humidity...bleh), the rest of the world's sleeping, and I slept horrendously - partially due to the upstairs neighbors, and partially due to the racing thoughts known as the "23-miler." I know I can do it. Laura's picking me up at 5 and we're off to the Rail Trail. I just can't believe it's almost January, and the race is just around the corner. Time flies when you're...having fun?

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

December 24 - 4 miles

Maybe running yesterday afternoon and again this morning at 8 a.m. wasn't the brightest idea. I felt fine for the first few miles but then had a bizarre painful twinge in my right knee - a first. I took it easy and walked the last half mile, finishing with 4 miles total. It didn't hurt at all when walking but even starting to jog triggered a pain. I stretched well and am hoping for the best.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

December 23 - 7 miles

After yesterday's feeble attempt to run outside, I needed to deliver today. As I drove to the gym, I told myself I'd aim for 4, or 5 miles. Since I'm in Sarasota for Christmas, the "gym" is really my old stomping grounds...the Evalyn Sadlier Jones YMCA...home to my first job at 16, and where I worked throughout high school and in the summer during college. I use to coach basketball (11-13 year olds) and spend hours shooting hoops - which paid off when I earned several trophies in the boys' league. So, I had to pencil myself in for a treadmill and since the limit was 30 minutes, I knew I'd need to crank out 3 miles and then re-pencil. I did 3.1 miles in 30 minutes (no walk breaks) and then changed treadmills and continued on for 4 miles. I felt good, listened to my iPod for most of it, and was happy to have done more than I intended. The 23-miler is just around the corner.

Friday, December 19, 2008

December 19 - 7 miles on vacation!

I only did 3 miles yesterday morning and I didn't have time this morning to run so once we got to Tampa today (after driving 4 1/2 hours) and settled into our hotel, I chose between a nap (much needed/wanted) and running the 7 miles I need to do since I'm missing tomorrow's group run. I hammered out the 7 on the hotel treadmill in about 72 minutes. I watched the national semifinal volleyball championships - Sanford v. Texas - to keep occupied, and listened to my iPod, which I don't usually do. So I am done. I had a huge dinner the past two nights for work so I doubt this workout even put a dent into my consumed calories.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

December 18 - 3 miles

Ran 3 miles on the treadmill this morning (with walk breaks) in 30:08. Felt fine. Wish I could have done a few more but time was limited.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

December 17 - 6 miles

Blythe and me

Summer, Jessica, me, Blythe

With a slight scratchy throat, I knew I "needed" to run at least 3 or 4 today since I took the past two days off completely since my foot was still bothering me slightly - it's better to rest than to injure myself, right? After work I went to the gym and jogged about a mile on the treadmill at 6 mph, then a painful cramp arrived in my right side. I never get cramps. Ugh. I realized I really hadn't had more than 1 bottle of water today, and that was probably the culprit. Walked for a few, then jogged again. Did 6 miles in about 65 minutes. Felt great, and that I could do another 6 easily at that point if time permitted. Went to my Rotaract holiday party after showering. A few of the girls from my running group were there - Blythe, Summer, and Jessica. We posed for a picture of us "running." And we actually clean up quite nicely - don't we?

Saturday, December 13, 2008

December 13 - 9 miles

Me, Sonia and Kristy after 9 miles
The Hart Bridge (trademark of the annual Gate River Run 15k) at sunrise
Yes...the moon is still out when we began..and the rest of the world is sleeping!

After Ale House cheese fries w/ ranch (fried, cheese, bacon, ranch - that's healthy, right? right!) last night and a Larabar, I woke up, scarfed some PB toast and headed to meet the group for 7 miles. It was 42 degrees "feels like 32" with light wind. I dressed accordingly - gloves, pants, dri-fit shirt and long sleeve cotton shirt, and was comfortable. On the way I stopped to get gas, and as I'm filling up the tank a state trooper (getting coffee) drove up, rolled his window down and said "I know you are not going running in this weather!" and I laughed, "Oh yes. And there are about 150 of us, so I can't be the only crazy one!" It was a good way to start the morning. The run began over the River Walk, (my least favorite)'s wooden planks for about a mile and you have to watch your every step since they are slippery and aren't very even. We ran up and over the Main Street Bridge, then came back over the Acosta Bridge, and went into San Marco and back. The half marathoners were running more than us - 9 miles - so most of us hung around for the extra 2. It would allow me to have an extra (insert favorite dessert item here) so I was game. I neglected to stretch after, as I sped off to the new Whole Foods store that opened Wednesday. My shins and tops of my feet are a bit sore. Great run, beautiful clear skies and light wind. Blythe and I were able to chat, as were Sonia, Kristy and I.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

December 9 - 3 short miles

Yesterday I skipped the gym and Monday my left foot was hurting on the leftmost side, so I did a mile and a half then biked. This morning I did a little more than 3 miles, and nothing fancy or fast. I lifted (arms) after, and did the same on Monday. My muscle mass is diminishing it seems, so in an effort to salvage what's left of it, I have reintroduced a bit of light weight training. We only do 7 this weekend, so I'm not too concerned - the 20 is over and out of the way!

Saturday, December 6, 2008

December 5 - 20 MILES

Audra. And the final part of the Rail Trail.
Laura, my running "rock" and I - post "20"! Happy to be done.

Alarm went off at 3:55 a.m. and after about 6 hours of so-so sleep and Carabba's spaghetti & bread in my stomach, (breakfast - toast/PB/banana/water) Laura, Audra and I carpooled out to the "Rail Trail" at 5 a.m. The run started at 6, and was dark for the first 3 miles. The sun never made a full appearance, and the temperature was perfect - around 60. A few people wearing headlamps and holding small flashlights helped illuminate the trail. It was a 10-mile down and back course, with a bathroom stop at mile 6 and 14. It was peaceful, quiet, and a few golden leaves were still on the trees, but a lot of the asphalt trail was littered with fallen leaves. We ran by a few houses, scattered about with horses, cows, and roosters. Around the half-way point took a banana Hammerfuel. Felt good until about mile 11. My right top of foot began hurting where I'd experienced pain awhile back on my left foot due to weird lacing. So I kept trying to adjust it but it persisted all the way back. When we got to mile 15 it seemed to drag on FOREVER. After the bathroom break at mile 16, I had some Sport Beans, and began feeling ready to be done. A brief drizzle lagged for about a mile. The final 4 miles dragged on but Laura and I chatted and made the best of it. Seeing the finish in sight was amazing, since we'd been running in a straight line for hours. It took us about 4 hrs and 20 minutes. We had some Endurox and then came home. Took an ice bath (magical!) and warm shower. Feel fine now. 20 miles...DONE!

December 5 - Part 1: Mission to run 20 miles

I ran 6 miles on the treadmill Sunday, and since then I did about 2.25 a day M/T/W, each outside. I've been playing basketball with a co-worker and some other friends at the gym, which is a great workout but different type of running for me. Today is the day for 20 miles, and my first visit to the Rail Trail. More on this to come in a few hours....