Sunday, February 28, 2010

February 28 - 13.1 miles (Gasparilla 1/2 Marathon, Tampa)

At the Gasparilla Distance Classic Expo
Sprinting to the finish line!
Finished with my 6th 1/2 marathon - 2:08:47!
Downtown Tampa

After not enough sleep (maybe 5 hours, max), the 6 a.m. start time for Tampa's Gasparilla 1/2 marathon loomed - eeek! That's early. Breakfast (oatmeal, banana, peanut butter, water) at 3:50 a.m.? Yawn. I was attempting my second half marathon within a week, since I ran the Breast Cancer Marathon 1/2 last weekend in Jacksonville. The weather was fantastic; cold but not too cold. Long sleeve technical shirt, visor, shorts, compression calf sleeves, Etonic Prayas, mittens and kids' sweatshirt before the race. The first few miles were dark, which was pleasantly nice, and went by fast. Miles 4-6 were on Davis Island, which reminded me of certain areas in Jacksonville. I ran the first 5 mile straight, then stopped to walk when I needed. My left calf was nagging me the entire time. I took the lemon-lime Gatorade provided on the course often, and a GU at miles 6.5 and 10. I ran w/ my 8 oz bottle of water. Mittens came off at mile 7. Miles 8-11 were down and back along the bay, which was beautiful, but at the same time boring. Around mile 10.5 I was walking and heard noise behind me. The 2:10 pace group was approaching, and filled with energy! I ran the last part of the race with them (all running) and then pushed past them with a mile left to go. My Garmin read 13.3 miles when I finished, and my official chip time was 2:08:47 - 9 seconds faster than last week's time of 2:08:56! Another PR! The medal is the best part - emblazoned with a pirate, and the ribbon has colorful tropical designs, and black Nike swooshes. Overall I felt great and didn't even feel sick when I came across the finish line. Dinner the night before was vegetable soup, salad, creole shrimp and rice, and bread pudding at Dutch Valley in Sarasota. And I shared cupcakes that afternoon and had cupcakes for breakfast, in addition to soup and vegetarian chili for lunch.

Friday, February 26, 2010

February 26 - 3 miles

My second, and final, run between my two back-to-back half marathons went well. Great weather in the mid-50s, a little wind, and sunny skies. I did 3 miles and my left upper glute was bothering me at the end, so I stretched well and hoped for the best.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

February 21 - 13.1 miles (26.2 With Donna 1/2 Marathon)

(mile 7 - 1st Street, Jacksonville Beach)
Great weather - cold, in the mid-40s for the start, and it warmed up to the mid-60s by the finish. I ran the first 5.5 miles tagging along with Kelly and Rachel, and we did 4:1 run/walk ratio. I split from them on the beach, and ran/walked the rest of the way. I enjoyed the 1/2 marathon but got a little choked up at the turnaround point, watching the others head off in the direction of 26.2 miles, which I did last February. The intracoastal bridge was tough at mile 11, but Lisa came and ran the final 1/2 mile of the race with me, which helped immensely.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

February 18 - 3 miles

Last run before the 1/2 marathon Sunday and I did three miles in 50-degree weather. (Adidas dri-fit zip-up, shorts, bondi band, Etonic Prayas) Wind was much less than it's been lately, which was nice. I felt good, despite having been sick for the past few days and without a voice. I ran most of the 3 miles, stopping 3 times for walk breaks, and still finishing in 38:30. Got up to 8:20 pace at one point! My left outer ankle area was bothering me again, even in the new shoes.

Monday, February 15, 2010

February 15 - 4 miles

Despite the grey skies, it was 55 degrees, 67% humidity, SW winds gusting 15 to 23 mph (ugh!), when I set out on my 3-4 mile run. I have no voice and still don't feel 100% but wanted to get in at least a few miles. It was my first outdoor run in my new shoes, and they felt good - I felt much lighter and faster than in my New Balances. I ran very fast, much quicker than the past few weeks, and even with a few walk breaks managed to complete the down and back 4 miles in 38:17. The wind was brutal too.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

February 13 - 7 miles (treadmill)

Started feeling sick Thursday afternoon and by no means am completely better, but the "7 miles" on the schedule still loomed. It was chilly and grey outside and I woke up early, so I decided to do the 7 on the treadmill. So sweaty! It went fairly well as I tested out my new shoes from Jacksonville Running Company, a new pair of Etonic Prayas (I wore Prayas this summer, before injuring my IT band, and loved them). The first two miles my knees hurt a little, and then I eased into things and they felt better. The top of my right foot started hurting at mile 6 and I think that's because the laces may be too tight. Overall I felt good and was glad to knock the 7 miles out, even if I was under the weather.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

February 11 - 3 miles

Warmed up for a few minutes on the treadmill which seemed to make a difference (typically I step on then go right into a 6.0 mph run), then ran 3 miles with Lisa. Could have gone 4 but know I should taper. I've been running at least 4-6 miles on my short mile days lately, so 3 was good. I did 10 min. on the elliptical with arms after.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

February 10 - Cardio + Weights

After an amazing Black Eyed Peas concert last night (in bed at midnight), I still managed to get up for the gym this morning! And it was freezing outside. I did the bike for a few minutes with Lisa, then 20 minutes of the elliptical. (HR in 130s) Then arms and chest/back — note to self: do more triceps dips! — and off to a meeting.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

February 9 - 4 miles

Hard to believe it's taper time for the 1/2 marathon — already! Time flies. Unfortunately there weren't two treadmills together so Lisa and I had to separate. I managed to do 4 without too much trouble, though I stopped to stretch my nagging left ankle about midway through. I took some walk breaks but ran most of it at 9:30 pace. HR up to the 160s. Very humid in the gym again.

Monday, February 8, 2010

February 8 - 30 min cardio + weights + 2 mi walk

Got up and went to the gym! It was pretty dead due to Super Bowl Sunday. I did 15 min. on the big elliptical with arms — that thing is tough, then lifted arms and back. Then I did 15 min. on the regular elliptical with arms. Today I walked 2 miles and climbed stairs.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

February 7 - 10 miles

10 a.m. run: 44 degrees, feels like 38, and 8 mph winds (I think lied). Long-sleeve cotton t-shirt, Nike running shorts, compression calf sleeves, visor, Garmin, mittens (took them off after mile 2). Ran with Lisa, and completed 10 miles in 1:42. Was so nice to have someone to chat with outside. I haven't run with a friend outdoors in months. It flew by. The first mile or two were tough, but after mile 6 I felt like I could go all day.

Friday, February 5, 2010

February 5 - 5 miles (dreadmill)

Oh my goodness! SO humid in the gym. (and 65 outside!) Thank goodness for Lisa. I got my end treadmill and did 5 miles (54:30?) and she did 6 miles. It was brutal. My left outer ankle/achilles hurt early on so I tightened my shoe laces and it was better. It's still stiff post-run but not painful or anything. My lungs and legs felt fine during the run/walk but it was so humid and hot in the gym.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

February 3 - 30 min cardo + weights + 2.5 mi walk

Made it to the gym in the morning and did 20 min. on elliptical w/ arms with Lisa then 10 min. on the big elliptical with arms. Then arms/back workout. At work I walked 2 miles with my co-workers and did an extra .5, in addition to stairs.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

February 2 - 3 mile run + 2 mile walk

Slept in this morning (nice to get 10+ hrs of sleep though). After a long lunch meeting at work (catered: tomato tortilla soup, arroz con pollo, kidney beans, caesar salad, marinated avocado, and warm rice pudding — okay, okay I had seconds!) I was happy for the 2-mile walk around the lake with my 2 co-workers. Throughout the day I managed to climb the 6-story building I work in (10 flights of stairs x 12 steps each = 120) 5 times. After work I ran 3 miles in 29:18, stopping a few times for walk breaks. It was 58 degrees, 81% humidity and NW winds 14 mph. Overall I felt okay, my left outer achilles felt a bit better but still stiff. Long sleeve oversized (bad idea) cotton t-shirt, shorts, New Balances, and Bondi Band.

Monday, February 1, 2010

February 1 - 40 min cardio + arms/back workout + 2 mi walk

Had the morning off so slept in then headed to the gym. Did 20 minutes on the big elliptical with arms (HR to 163) then a good arms and back workout, then 20 minutes on the regular ellipitcal with arms (HR to 145), where I chatted with Amy, who I haven't seen at the gym in ages. At 3 pm my two co-workers and I did a 2-mile walk around the lake (6 laps).