Monday, August 31, 2009

August 31 - 5 + 3 = 8 miles

Got to the gym early this morning, and started on the treadmill about 10 minutes before Lisa, who was joining me. Wore the Etonic Prayas instead of the new Brooks. The first mile was tough and very humid. Left side of upper chest was hurting, and felt heavy. Continued on. Ran to two miles, then walked about 1 minute every 5 minutes. Three miles. Chest still having pains. Four miles. Katrine then hopped on a nearby treadmill and it was great to see her at this point. Lisa was doing 6. I aimed for 5, and survived. Very tough run overall - probably one of my worst. Legs felt okay. HR was high throughout, about 160, upwards to 166. Ran slightly slower than usual, 5.8 to 6.0. Stretched well after and played two games of 3-point knockout with Chris and Curry. After work it seemed less humid out (45%, 87 degrees "feels like" 90) so I laced up the Brooks this time and set out with the IT band strap on my right leg instead of left, as just above my knee cap was hurting a bit. It slid off by the half-mile mark. I continued on, running 3 miles (stopping twice to walk) in 29 minutes. I felt good, chest didn't hurt and legs felt heavy but decent.

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