Thursday, August 27, 2009

August 27 - 5 (humid) miles

I couldn't get up this morning. Snooze x 8. I finally dragged myself to the gym (late) and managed 1 mile on the treadmill and then got off and attempted the elliptical which bored me after 3 minutes. Did the bike successfully for 10 minutes. Chatted with Lisa, who has also had a tough time this week (it must be in the air?). Then talked to Katrine, who is competing in a huge triathalon this weekend. Came home, feeling highly unsatisfied with my brief and uneventful gym session and attempted a jog in the uber-humid Florida morning. Made it 1.5 miles and quit. Showered and went to work. After work I had a sand volleyball game (we won 2-0, remaining undefeated at 4-0) and then came home and under the overcast, humid skies, jogged 3.5 miles to total 5 miles for the day in 51:30. Ran into neighbor Nathalie, who is training with the Galloway program this year, and she suggested I try pilates to help strengthen my IT band. Perhaps that's something new to add to my list!

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