Friday, August 14, 2009

August 14 - 6 miles

After not a lot of sleep last night and a teambuilding activity for work today (read: 2 white chocolate macadamia nut cookies, brownies, salad, ribs, pasta salad, salad, kettle cooked chips), I took an hour nap and then headed to the gym. I opted for a treadmill on the opposite side of the fitness floor. My new running shoes aren't in yet so I wore a new pair of Etonic Prayas I had with my old inserts, and my IT band strap. I felt okay for the most part but it was ridiculously humid in the gym and my HR was up to 165. I ran mostly at 10-minute mile pace. I walked a minute here and there, and completed 6 miles in about 64 minutes. My right IT band was even tight. I made sure to stretch both afterwards.

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