Sunday, January 11, 2009

Lesson learned....


After my 16 mile run yesterday I iced my left leg, near my knee and IT band. I know I'm supposed to keep the cover on the ice pack but it just didn't feel that it was cold enough or helping, so I removed it then crossed my leg under my other leg and was typing away, not keeping track of time. I got up to get the phone (probably 30 minutes later) and had to peel the ice pack off my leg. Where it was attached was hard, and bright red and puffy. I've never seen snow so I don't know how frostbite works, and I certainly had no idea you could get "burned" from ICE. That just seems backwards. But it hurts. Well, the proof is in the pictures, apparently...


Anonymous said...

Oh no, poor thing! I have made that mistake as well. Finally the PT told me that you are really not supposed to leave ice on for more than five minutes at a time. Otherwise the blood comes rushing back and kind of defeats the purpose. Hope it feels better soon.

See you next week.

jen said...

Yikes! I think I've almost done that but never as bad. Be careful!

Great job on the 16 miler, and don't you just love the Garmin! How cool. Have a good week!