Wednesday, January 7, 2009

January 7 - 5 miles

After taking yesterday off, I couldn't decide if I wanted to pull myself out of bed this morning or not and last night I had Cheesecake Factory for dinner, yum. I deliberated, then got up around 5:40 a.m. for my first early morning run of the new year, and headed to the gym. Swiping my gym card, I noticed the "SORRY" sign. Apparently the air conditioning was broken. How fun, considering it's already a very humid morning since we're supposed to get a lot of rain later. But, somehow, someway my beloved treadmill was open -- some sort of sign that I needed to run. So, with new shoes on for test run #2, I hopped on and did 5 miles in 49:24. My heart rate saw 186 for the first time in awhile. I walked every mile at least once. I felt good. Got up to 7.6 mph.

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