Tuesday, January 13, 2009

January 13 - 5 miles & a "sweet" treadmill neighbor

My alarm clock went off this morning, and I got up. It was dark, rainy and dreary outside, and I'd much rather be in bed than on a treadmill, so I went back to sleep. (this happened yesterday too since I was still sore, and I never went to the gym after work either) When I got up I was stiff so I iced my calves and IT band and popped two Aleve for good measure. Today I followed through, heading to the gym after work (unlike yesterday, oops!), and completed five miles in slightly less than 51 minutes on the treadmill. The first mile I still felt that my calves were still tight, as were the sides of my shin. I stayed around 6 mph for the most part, and my HR stayed around 150-160, before I gradually increased speed to 6.6 mph. I felt good and was moving right along. When I got on the treadmill I noticed a heavy mothball smell radiating from one of my two treadmill neighbors, but it quickly disappeared as one of them departed. The other had what appeared to be a candy (yes, candy) wrapper on the treadmill. I gave her the benefit of the doubt, hoping it was a coughdrop or something. I didn't want to be too nosy and stare. After a few minutes went by, she unwrapped another wrapper and shortly thereafter the smell of cinnamon wafted through the air. Cinnamon discs -- on a treadmill!? Isn't that a choking hazard anyways? That was a first. So, aside from the first 3 minutes of walking, I stopped every 10 minutes to walk. HR got to 172 max. I made sure to stretch well after.

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