Tuesday, January 20, 2009

January 20 - 6 miles

Burrr...it was cold this morning! I went to bed at 10:30 last night, got up at 5:40 (after one snooze - I was on the brink of seeing snow for the first time ever - even if it was in a dream, ugh!), off to the gym and on the treadmill a bit past 6 a.m. (after stopping to say hi and catch up with Lisa, who'd wondered where I'd been lately, and waving to Kim and Katie upstairs) and hoped to log 5 miles. When I was near 4.5, Lisa joined me and so I did an extra mile, rounding it out at 6 miles in 59:25 with about 5 walk breaks total. I felt good, heart rate was low overall, and maxed around 180. Last night my friend concocted her famous secret family recipe meat sauce and I had wheat pasta with the spaghetti sauce, salad, and tons of garlic bread. So that extra mile helped me burn off one of the many pieces I consumed. Oh, and did I mention ice cream for dessert? Ahh, I love running.

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