Tuesday, March 24, 2009

March 24 - 4 miles

Day number two of personal training. I am fairly certain that I'll be crawling to work tomorrow. After a 5 min. warm up I was straight into squats (20 seconds then hold it for 10 seconds, repeat for 2 minutes), then chest fly, then a step up/running arms maneuver, then I was lifting a bar overhead and squatting then lifting. Then laying on the mat I lifted one leg up, then the other. My heart rate monitor consistently read numbers in the 140s to 160s. Yikes! I did ab pulls with a resistance tube - 25 on each side. After about 18 I thought my world was coming to an end. I did hamstring curls and that was pure torture, even with the 30 pounds. I did the thigh machine (not its official name), some crazy sit ups with a small ball overhead, and then was told to run a mile on the treadmill. No lie, it was the longest mile I have ever run. Ever. I was running at 6.2 mph and it felt like an eternity. After I was stretched I decided to jog outside. I did 3 miles. I hope I can move tomorrow. This could be interesting. What doesn't kill you only makes you stronger, right?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What trainer are you using? Do tell. I joined your gym just recently, love payroll deduct! I too must do some conditioning and weight training. I was thinking maybe the Friday Body Pump lunchtime class as well.