Saturday, March 21, 2009

March 21 - 4 miles

After all these months of running and cross training, I finally manned up and went for my first personal training session in the morning. I warmed up then did a series of strength training moves, and they looked easy but did not feel easy. The ab exercises? Brutal. The walking lunges with overhead triceps press. Ow. The step up-and-over the bench? Quads were screaming! The chest press? Not too bad. But at several points I thought I was going to die. Ow ow ow...I have to do 25 reps - seriously? Why not 15? It was hard and I was sweaty, and my heart was beating quickly but I felt accomplished when I got into my car and drove off to meet Blythe and Kelly (of the "Fab 5") for breakfast since Blythe just ran 20 miles. I had two cups of coffee and some of their leftover muffin and omlette. I got home and wanted to try out my new shoes since Kelly raved about her (matching) pair. I laced up and put my Garmin on. It was windy and cool - in the 60s and gusts up to 21 mph. I ran 4 miles in 37:27, including the first mile in 8:32. Not bad. Not sure if was the two cups of coffee/caffeine? Or the new shoes and inserts? I felt like a speed demon.

1 comment:

jen said...

Great run! That personal trainer session sounds brutal. You rock!