Thursday, March 12, 2009

March 12 - 3 miles

Yesterday after work I did 40 minutes on the elliptical and 10 minutes on the bike, where my knees/IT bands began to hurt on level 3. I stretched well and iced them. This morning I headed to the gym to jog. I jogged 3 miles and it was so miserably humid and warm in the gym. I remembered why I always stop running after the Gate River Run each year. For this very reason. So, after a mile I considered getting off the treadmill and as I neared two miles there was a lot of doubt if I'd make it to three. My HR wasn't too high but my chest felt heavy and I was sweating like crazy. I made it to 3, then did 20 minutes on the elliptical before stretching. I am icing now. The annual 9.3-mile Gate is just around the corner, less than 2 days away.

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