Tuesday, February 3, 2009

February 3 - 5 more miles

I woke up on my own this morning but opted for extra hour of sleep instead of the gym. I had two white chocolate covered Oreos after a lunch out (grouper wrap & plantain chips) with my team (I wish people wouldn't bring treats like that in - I cannot, apparently, avoid temptation!). After work I did not want to go to the gym, and I knew it'd be crowded since it was later. Just as I was explaining to a co-worker that I wanted to skip it, another co-worker came up and asked if I was going to the gym. I guess that's a sign I should go. So I went, intending to do the elliptical. Of course none were open, but a treadmill opened up, so I hopped on. I couldn't bring myself to walk so I jogged slowly (5.9 mph) for awhile and got up to 6.5 mph, finishing 5 miles in 51 minutes. I felt good and after 4 miles I feel like I can go forever. I sure hope I feel that way on February 15! I watched part of the news and the story about the peanut plant in GA that's responsible for the samonella was disheartening - cockroaches and a RAT - have been dry roasted in the not-up-to-par facilities. Ewww.


jen said...


I am the same way after a certain number of miles. It's just a matter of getting through those first few tough miles!

Anonymous said...

First couple of miles always stink for me! I don't get warmed up till mile four or five. Funny since a few years ago I couldn't even imagine running a mile, much less thirteen or twenty six!

TronWife said...

I was just saying the same thing...the first 2-3 miles about kills me and I have to set small goals along the way 'just the next light pole', 'just to the corner', etc. After about 4, I start feeling MUCH better.