Saturday, February 14, 2009

The big TOMORROW!!!!!!!

As we drove the course people had already begin decorating with pink, and tons of "Proudly Supporting" banners hung from balconies, front yards and mailboxes.

Dinner was plain oatmeal made with water, a banana, leftover chicken, and a piece of toast with cashew butter. The orange hat is for mom to wear tomorrow so I can spot her from afar. I wrote little notes — "Keep Going!" "Run for chocolate" (Katie's idea) "Almost There!" on my Gatorades for tomorrow.

Coler, Katie, mom and I drove the course today and it took over an hour. It was long, rainy and grey. But I got to see everywhere I'll be running tomorrow and I am excited! And I mean that. (despite that crazy churning feeling in my stomach) I had oatmeal for breakfast and lots of watered-down Gatorade and Powerade (about 96 oz). Lunch was some cashew butter toast and a banana, and Larabar for a snack and dinner was plain oatmeal made w/ water, a banana, piece of toast w/ cashew butter and some leftoever rotisserie chicken. It's not really supposed to rain tomorrow, which is good news, and temperature should be decent. Tonight I put extra drifit shirts and socks in plastic bags, zipped those shut, and lined up two extra pairs of running shoes, along with Biofreeze packets, extra Hammergel packets, bandaids, etc. I am prepared! I can't believe tomorrow's the big day. I talked to Katie's parents, my own parents (dad called from LA and mom is here), and friends today. Everyone says how hard, and how long, I've worked for this. I just can't believe all those weeks have gone by. I'm so ready to get this show on the road. It's only five or so hours, afterall!

Oh, and I reached my "true" goal of raising $1,500! I'm stoked. Between my $100 entry fee and the $1,400 friends and family have contributed, I met my personal goal. That's what this is all about.


jen said...

Congratulations are already in order here- you completed your training with enormous gains in fitness and confidence and you've raised tons of money for a good cause- you are already a huge success!!

Tommorrow is going to be such a fun and memorable day, good luck and have fun. Try to note a few things along the way that are funny/cool/beautiful and tell us about them. And remember to keep a smile on your face- a lot of people will see you and if they think "That looks so fun!" they just might run a marathon someday too. You are an inspiration to many. Good luck and remember HAVE FUN out there!!! Can't wait to hear all about it. :)

Anonymous said...

You are going to be great! No matter what.

TronWife said...

I stumbled on your blog a few months back and have enjoyed reading your training and progress. I hope you have an awesome race and can't wait to read your race report!