Thursday, February 12, 2009

February 12 - One last (4 mile) hoo-rah!

I couldn't quite get to sleep last night but I woke up this morning to the sound of my alarm clock, and scurried off to the gym for one last treadmill jog. Luck was in my favor as I got my favorite treadmill! Currently it is 67 degrees and 97% humidity as I type this and I think it was similar inside the gym. My HR was high (up to 170) for running slowly and for doing run/walk ratios. I ran 10:20 pace to mimic the big day, and walked every 3 minutes and 30 seconds. I finished 4 miles in 44 minutes. Katrine joined me for the last mile and a half, as she was doing 5 miles for her own marathon preparation. She's hoping to qualify for Boston and I know she'll do great! I also chatted with Lisa, who will be running her first half marathon Sunday and will stick around to cheer me on. I can't believe it's Thursday already! I'm at 118% of my fundraising goal too, and hope that continues to climb climb climb!

1 comment:

jen said...

You had a perfect final run and such a great training cycle, I know you are going to do great this weekend! Good luck and have fun!! :)