Monday, September 7, 2009

September 7 - 5 miles + 4 hours of sand volleyball

After 4 1/2 HOURS of sand volleyball yesterday (exhausting, but fun), and no attempts to run for two days, I saw an overcast sky and decided to lace up the sneakers - at 11:30 a.m. I ran the first mile in under 10 minutes, then walked 1 minute, then ran to 2 miles, and the sun began to beat down. Despite a reading of 82 "feels like 86" and 67% humidity, it was unreasonably hot, and I didn't have much water yesterday. I got to mile 3.5 and needed water badly. I stopped in an ice cream shop, got a cup of ice water, and continued on. The mistake came just before mile 4, when I decided to add on a .8 loop. I did part of it, and was dying, so I stopped to walk for a few. Legs felt fine — no pain — but exceptionally heavy. I then jogged the rest of the way, completing 5 miles in 54 minutes. I stretched, had the best tasting 20 oz. of orange Gatorade ever, and took a warm shower. Tough and tiring today but no knee pain at least. Showered, napped, then took off for four hours of sand volleyball. Exhausted.

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