Friday, September 11, 2009

September 11 - 9.11 miles in memory of 9/11

Slept in this morning after eating like a crazy person at the Sulzbacher 11th Annual "Transformations" event last night downtown, and wasn't sure if I should run tonight on my own or wake up early and run 7.5 miles with the group tomorrow. I set out tonight and finished the first mile in 9:30 as I ran past Summer, who was coming back from a run. I ran a 3.5-mile down-and-back course, stopping for ice water at the turnaround point. Ran back, adding some other parts on after the initial 7. Was very thirsty again. Told myself I'd ask the next person for water. Found a lady and her young daughter getting out of their SUV in a neighborhood. She brought me a 8 oz bottle of cold Zepherhills and I was stoked. Kept going. Ran around a school in search of a water fountain at mile 7.5 and there was not one to be found, even by the playground. Kept going. Knew I wanted to do 9.11 miles in honor of 9/11. Finished the 9.11 miles in a respectable 1:32, stretched, drank an orange Gatorade, showered, and iced both knees. Felt fairly good throughout the run. Temperature was 84, humidity at 60% and a steady breeze the entire run. I look back a week ago when I set out to run and before reaching a mile, I had to stop and walk home, thinking I was done. I think about today and being able to do all 9 miles — 1/3 of a marathon — without too much effort.

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