Saturday, May 23, 2009

May 23 - Personal Training Day 27 (Bootcamp) + 1.25 miles

The Fab Four tackles Saturday morning bootcamp at w/ Byoung!

Warm-up was a quarter mile jog outside. Then we were broken into three groups. There were three stations set up — one with cardio and two with a total of 10 exercises each.

The first circuit (each exercise for 30 seconds, rotating through the circuit) we did was step-ups, assisted pull-ups, rope pull-ups, plie squat, sled, band chest press, sumo squat to upright row, deadlift to tricep extension, to lunge/reaches w/ 10-ball ball, to 10-lb. ball swings. The second circuit (again 30 seconds each) consisted of kettle ball swing, bosu ball lat pull downs, dumbell squat thrusters (12 lbs), bench chest press (15 lbs), delt raises, mountain climbers on the 10-lb. ball, burpees, rowing machine, sit-ups, and bicycle crunches. The third circuit was 9 minutes of cardio. I opted for the ellipitical (level 10) for the first, and for the second set we ran a mile outside.

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