Saturday, February 13, 2010

February 13 - 7 miles (treadmill)

Started feeling sick Thursday afternoon and by no means am completely better, but the "7 miles" on the schedule still loomed. It was chilly and grey outside and I woke up early, so I decided to do the 7 on the treadmill. So sweaty! It went fairly well as I tested out my new shoes from Jacksonville Running Company, a new pair of Etonic Prayas (I wore Prayas this summer, before injuring my IT band, and loved them). The first two miles my knees hurt a little, and then I eased into things and they felt better. The top of my right foot started hurting at mile 6 and I think that's because the laces may be too tight. Overall I felt good and was glad to knock the 7 miles out, even if I was under the weather.

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