Tuesday, July 1, 2008

We're "Up and Running"! Literally.

What were you doing this morning at 6:10? Enjoying your REM sleep perhaps? We weren't. Hitting snooze for the ninth time? We weren't. In the unenjoyable humidity also known as July in Florida, we were outside, embarking on another day of running (well...let's call that jogging/walking/chatting). "We" being Summer and Caron. "We" being two crazy friends who met at the gym and coincidentally are neighbors and work for the same company, have decided to run a marathon (that's 26.2 miles, if you will) in 2009. A lofty goal, yes, but we think we can do it. And we're going to blog about our training adventures, and maybe we'll inspire you to get off the couch, drop the remote, and join us in 2010. That's if we make it past 2009! So enjoy our new little joint venture..."rainorshinewerun.blogspot.com"

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