Wednesday, August 13, 2008

August 13 - 5 miles

Summer and I had made plans to run this morning outside - a 4.5 mile loop - but she canceled on me last night before bed, as she's still fighting off an illness and preparing for a trip to the other side of the U.S at the end of the week. My plan easily morphed into aiming for 4 miles on the treadmill instead. When heading to the gym (5:40 a.m.) it was very, very humid out, so I became somewhat thankful for her canceling. J & I went out to eat last night and had a huge dinner, so I didn't have the typical piece of toast and PB or almonds I typically have before heading out the door. I warmed up for five, walking, then ran 1 mile, walked 1 min, ran another mile, walked 1 minute, ran a mile (3 miles in 28:32) then walked a 1 1/2 minutes, then ran a fourth mile, walked 1 1/2 minutes, then made the game-time decision to go ahead and run to 5 - in 48:08 total. Not bad considering the 6 minutes of walking included in that. My speed, for the most part was between 6.4 and 6.7 m.p.h. (about 9 to 9:30 pace) I felt good, but the gym was really hot and humid too. (translation: me = super sweaty when finished) Heart rate did see 180 today, finally! (only got to 140 yesterday on the bike) When leaving the gym the sky was dark grey with rolling clouds and it began to rain at a moderate pace (7 a.m.) so again, I was somewhat thankful for the cancelation! Sometimes things just work out nicely like that.

1 comment:

jen said...

hi! Thanks for the email, I bookmarked your blog and can't wait to see how your marathon training progresses. Great job so far, you run a good pace! I can't imagine running in that humidity, I think you get bonus points for that. Keep it up!! :)