Monday, August 11, 2008

August 11

Original plan was to get up and go to the gym and run. Didn't happen - could not get out of bed. Slept in til 6, waited for it to get light out, then went out in hopes of tackling 4 miles or "30-45 minutes" - whichever came first. Ran all the way to the halfway point, then stopped for a moment, then ran (jogged?) all the way back except for for two 1-minute walk breaks at minutes 24 and 29, coming in at 39:26. The weather was about 5 degrees cooler than it has been lately and it felt great (well, as great at 73 is going to be!) in comparison. And the sunrise was amazing today...reds and pinks and purples...what a nice way to start off the week. Well, that and the coldest possible shower ever to follow up the run.

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