Sunday, January 10, 2010

January 10 - 10 miles

Burrr...29 degrees at 10 a.m., but the sun was shining and skies were blue. I was going to run yesterday but it was cold and grey, otherwise known as miserable. The 10 miler was a decent run in tights, shorts, long-sleeve shirt, mittens, and visor. Everything was good until about mile 9, running home in the wind. Ugh! Ran with the 8 oz water bottle and refilled it once. It was neat to see icicles on shrubs (I knocked some off with my mittens, which was fun) and frozen water on sidewalks. Did not enjoy running through Reedy Branch, as I ran all of its streets and cul-de-sacs. I typically like running through neighborhoods because the houses are different, and there's always something to distract me. This one was just boring.

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