Saturday, December 6, 2008

December 5 - 20 MILES

Audra. And the final part of the Rail Trail.
Laura, my running "rock" and I - post "20"! Happy to be done.

Alarm went off at 3:55 a.m. and after about 6 hours of so-so sleep and Carabba's spaghetti & bread in my stomach, (breakfast - toast/PB/banana/water) Laura, Audra and I carpooled out to the "Rail Trail" at 5 a.m. The run started at 6, and was dark for the first 3 miles. The sun never made a full appearance, and the temperature was perfect - around 60. A few people wearing headlamps and holding small flashlights helped illuminate the trail. It was a 10-mile down and back course, with a bathroom stop at mile 6 and 14. It was peaceful, quiet, and a few golden leaves were still on the trees, but a lot of the asphalt trail was littered with fallen leaves. We ran by a few houses, scattered about with horses, cows, and roosters. Around the half-way point took a banana Hammerfuel. Felt good until about mile 11. My right top of foot began hurting where I'd experienced pain awhile back on my left foot due to weird lacing. So I kept trying to adjust it but it persisted all the way back. When we got to mile 15 it seemed to drag on FOREVER. After the bathroom break at mile 16, I had some Sport Beans, and began feeling ready to be done. A brief drizzle lagged for about a mile. The final 4 miles dragged on but Laura and I chatted and made the best of it. Seeing the finish in sight was amazing, since we'd been running in a straight line for hours. It took us about 4 hrs and 20 minutes. We had some Endurox and then came home. Took an ice bath (magical!) and warm shower. Feel fine now. 20 miles...DONE!

1 comment:

jen said...

Nice!! Congrats on the 20 miler! I love me a good Rail Trail and sounds like the conditions were perfect. Sorry about your foot pain, maybe some extra ice and rest is in order. Great job out there :)