Donna Deegan (it's her marathon) and then me post-18 miles!
I did it! After a not-so-substantial dinner and certainly not enough shuteye, I was able to pull out 18 glorious miles. I was up at 4, but managed to eat some toast/pb/banana at 5:30 and met up with the group at 7. The first four miles it rained, and appeared to put a damper (no pun intended) on my already worn down mood. Thankfully it stopped by mile 5, and the temperature was perfect (mid-70s) where we dropped off the half marathon group to their cars and were told "Okay, it's time for your 13-mile cool-down." Oh, fun. We ran up and over two bridges, and then into San Marco all the way to Epping Forrest Yacht Club and back to the starting point. (for those not in Jax...this is f-a-r) Thankfully the water stops and Powerade stops were plentiful. I had some Sport Beans at about an hour and then my trusted banana Hammerfuel 2 hours in. I wasn't hungry but knew I needed to have something. Summer was there and kept me company for most of the run, and Laura and Sarah joined the group too from our old group. We all chatted and kept each other's hopes up. The sun came out around mile 13 and was warm, beating down on our already soaked bodies. It was long (4 hours and 4 minutes for Group 4 - fitting!), and my feet
are tired (wore the newer 1223s for the first long run), but the accomplishment is very satisfying: 18 miles...over and done like that.
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