Wednesday, September 24, 2008

September 24 - 12 MILES - Flying solo for 8!

Terrible photo, I know, but did you run 12 miles before work on a Wednesday? No? I didn't think so. That's me trying to show my watch, which read 2:27:59 and should have read "DONE."

After much deliberation, I decided to join Summer for a 4 mile loop this morning and gauge how I felt after to determine if I'd continue on for 8 more to get the 12 miler out of the way. (We're supposed to run 12 with the group this weekend but it's at least a 45 minute drive and Summer and Laura aren't going, and I really am not up to driving to uncharted territory for 12 miles at 4:30 a.m. on a Saturday if I don't have to) So, Summer and I met, and ran/walked for 4 miles. As we parted ways at mile 4, I felt fine, grabbed my handheld 10 oz water bottle from my car and kept trucking along. I planned in my head to run to my office which is 3 miles and back and then I'd tack on the rest near home. I kept going past the office a bit and then turned around, figuring it'd be closer to 7 round trip from there then 6. I stopped twice at the same gas station and ran in and refilled my water bottle with cold water and ran out. (weird to see a sweaty girl dash in and out during "rush hour" to refuel, but who cares?) I had a few orange Sport Beans around mile 5 and then I tried a Hammer Gel chocolate gel around mile 8 and it was okay, but hard to get open. Around mile 9 my stomach felt weird for a minute or so then was fine, and I knew I could keep going. Just as I was running past home at mile 10, Justice was pulling out to go to the gym. Wow - what timing...2 hours and 20 minutes into my run and we crossed paths. I said "hi," throwing my handheld water bottle in the car, and told him I had one more mile to get to 12. It sounded so good at that point. I then jogged another mile and finished the 12 glorious miles in 2:27:59. Whew. Great weather - pretty windy, but very cloudy and no direct sun. 76 degrees when starting, with 74% humidity. I am beyond happy fall is finally here. (I think it's here to stay?) Got home, tried a quick ice bath after stretching, and then showered and enjoyed a big breakfast of eggs w/ cheese, spinach and salsa, wheat toast w/ cashew butter, and a big glass of orange juice. Off to work now...

1 comment:

jen said...

Great run! The mid-week long run is always a little weird, especially going to work after. But you rocked it! :) Great job. (and I think the pic is super cute!)