Wednesday, September 17, 2008

September 17 - 6 miles and 50th Post

Blogger tells me this is my 50th post. Hooray - I've been running for 2 1/2 months. This morning, after not enough sleep and no breakfast, I cranked out 6 miles on the treadmill. I approached it with one of those "I do not want to run today" attitudes too, unfortunately. I got to the gym a bit later and "my" treadmill was taken so I tried one that was a few over from it but there was a sweaty guy that smelled less than pleasant (not cool to run next to for 57 minutes) next to me so I slipped off to the next one and then "mine" opened up and I hopped on. 4 minute warm up, then I ran 1 mile in 9:30, walked 1 min, then ran to 2 miles in 19:02, then walked 1 min, then to three miles, walked 1 min, four miles in 37:30, walked 1.5 min, ran to 5, walked 1 min, and then ran to 6 in 56:48. High HR of 189, average HR 168 and average speed of 6.2 mph. Fastest speed - 8.8 mph.

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