Monday, May 4, 2009

May 4 - Personal Training Day 18 + 4 miles

1 mile run outside for warm-up. Then 3 sets of 10 exercises. Ran a mile with Kelly when she arrived. Ran another mile after two sets and it started raining and it was so humid it smelled like damp cardboard in the air. Kelly and I even tackled a mile at the very end, bringing my total to 4 miles.

1. 2 minute squats (20 seconds then 10 seconds hold, repeat)
2. 1 leg hamstring curls 15 lbs. x 15 reps
3. Dumbbell chest press to leg rasie 15 lbs x 20 reps
4. Assisted pull-up 100 lbs. x 15 reps
5. Incline chest press machine 15 x 15 reps
6. Orange band chest press 15 reps
7. Squat to row - 20 lbs 15 reps
8. Split squat jumps 20 reps each leg
9. Rope skier pulldowns 40 lbs x 20 reps
10. Double crunch with 10 lb. ball x 30 reps

Have I mentioned I hate split squat jumps? Well, I do.

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