Sunday, November 29, 2009

November 29 - 9 miles

After not running the Thanksgiving Day half marathon (I've decided on the Gasparilla 1/2 in Tampa instead), and consuming lots of Thanksgiving goodies, I thought it'd be a good idea to hit the asphalt. My goal was six miles, but I set out on the 7-mile course (3.5 down, 3.5 back) and felt good in my new shoes. I stopped for ice water at the halfway point. I added a loop before I completed the 7 to make it closer to 8, then I added on more at the end. A bit stiff and slow but kept it to about 9:30- to 10-minute miles (with walk breaks). Good weather: 70 degrees, 41% humidity.

Monday, November 23, 2009

November 23 - 3 miles + 2 by bike

Ugh. Got up and ran (barely) 3 miles at the gym with Lisa this morning. Neither of us could run. My HR was around 155 and I couldn't get to 6.0 without struggling. My legs felt okay and even my breathing was okay, but my upper chest was hurting. After 3 miles I biked 2, stretched, and happily left the gym.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

November 22 - 4 miles

After taking Saturday off from running (I did walk around Gainesville, to and from the car to the stadium) I decided to do a few miles outside for the first time in weeks, around 4:30 p.m. (73 degrees, 74% humidity). Four miles was tough (43:30) and I even took it easy, adding quite a few walk breaks. I hadn't had any water since last night except for maybe 8 oz., so I was definitely thirsty on the run, and glad to be done.

Friday, November 20, 2009

November 20 - 9 (treadmill) miles!

After not a lot of running and a lot of working I knew what I had to do after work: hit the treadmill. I went four miles, then ran to five, and kept going one by one until I hit 9. I even watched a funny rerun of "The Office" (Women's Appreciation Day episode) which kept me laughing, and my legs moving. I felt good, but my knees were stiff. After lots of stretching and water I felt just fine. A good end to a very busy week.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

November 18 - 3.3 miles

Another tough run on the treadmill at the gym with Lisa. I was aiming for 4 or 5 miles but only managed 3.3. I hate ending in uneven numbers but I couldn't make it to 4. I hope this is just a phase?

Sunday, November 15, 2009

November 15 - 3 miles + tennis

Kostas and I ran 3 miles at UNF and talked the entire way, finishing in 32:30. It was fairly humid and the sidewalk was being torn up so we had to constantly run around broken pieces of cement. We then played tennis for an hour and I lost 6 to 4.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

November 14 - 5 miles

Finally! Back to running after a lot of time off due to having a cold and working late. Ran 5 miles in 53:30 on the treadmill mid-day at the gym. Nothing fancy.

Friday, November 13, 2009

November 13 - 2 miles

After a horrible week at work I thought it'd be a good idea to attempt the treadmill (too late/dark to run outside). I managed 2 miles and was so tired and ready for bed I knew I needed to go home. I can always run in the morning...

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

November 3 - Sick.

Boo. The flu has been going around the office and thank goodness for my flu shot, but I somehow managed to land a cold. Sneezy, stuffy nose, congestion....ugh. Not exactly great running conditions.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

November 1 - 6 miles

70 degrees, 54% humidity at 1 p.m. The sun was out but for the most part it was overcast. My goal was 3-4 miles, but I managed 6, though the last one was tough due to tired legs and a little wind. Ran the first mile in 9:20. Overall my legs felt fine and there were no aches or pains. I stopped to walk a few times, but completed 6 miles in 60 minutes!