Friday, September 4, 2009

September 4 - A very sad 3 walked miles

I made the mistake of looking at an online intermediate half marathon training schedule today. It's a month out from the Marine Corp 1/2 in Jacksonville and the schedule I found said to do 9 miles. Despite the 10 I did a few weeks ago I have been in the 4-6 range. I thought, I can do 9, sure no problem. I set out this afternoon (overcast skies) and made it about 7 minutes in before the nagging right knee pain began. I walked for a few, thinking it'd work itself out. I started to jog again and there it was - immediately. I turned around. I tried one more time and couldn't do it. There were a few tears, mostly out of being so hopeless, but I headed back and walked until I reached 3 miles, and came in, stretched, showered and iced. Sometimes I think I should just give up and find a new sport. I somehow haven't had any IT problems on my left leg lately, where this all began but now I have new pain in a new spot. It somehow doesn't seem fair.

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