Saturday, July 18, 2009

July 18 - Personal training day 37

Warmed up 10 min. on the elliptical due to nagging IT band.
Three sets of:
1. Assisted pull up machine 90 lbs x 12-15 reps
2. Incline barbell press 45-lb. bar x 20 reps
3. Dumbbell pullover 20 lbs. x 25 reps
4. Barbell thruster (no squat) - 25 x 20 reps
5. FT Chest press 10 lbs each arm x 15 reps
6. Elliptical leval 8 4 minutes
7. Sit ups - 30
8. 1-arm dumbbell row on bench 20 lbs x 20 each
9. 45 degree sitting dumbbell curl (w/ legs at 45 degrees, sitting on a bench) - 10 lbs x 25 reps
10. FT 1-arm rotation 15 lbs. x 20 each arm

I've mastered the incline barbell chest press but everything else was challenging today. I hadn't done weights since Monday's session so I thought I'd have more strength. Not so. Even the 30 consecutive sit-ups were hard!

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