Thursday, April 30, 2009

April 30 - Personal Training Day 17 (& 2 mile run)

Warm-up was outside: 50 body squats then .25 mile run - repeated four times for 200 squats and 1 mile. Then 3 sets of:
1. Alt. arm dumbbell row - 15 lbs. x 20 reps
2. Stability ball tricep pullover - 17 lbs. x 20 reps
3. Kettle ball swing - 20 lbs. x 20 reps
4. Inner thigh (90 lbs) with shoulder press (8 lbs) x 15 rep
5. Mountain climbers - 40
6. Bosu ball squat to bicep curl - 10 lbs. x 20 reps
7. Side V-Ups - 30 reps
8. Bench dips - 30 reps
Then 5 min. elliptical level 10. Second set ran a mile. After third set 5 min. elliptical level 10. I am very eager to take tomorrow off and not return to training until Monday afternoon. I feel like I've spent my week there.

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