Friday, October 30, 2009

October 30 - 6 (treadmill) miles

My treadmill decided to stop after 5.86 miles, so I had to start over to complete the final .14.

Tomorrow's scheduled group run is a 6-miler downtown at 6 a.m. Yawn. I decided to knock it out today instead and sleep in, in the morning. Everything went according to plan and I completed 6 miles on the treadmill in under an hour, including a few walk breaks. I felt good, and felt that I could have fun more. It was very hot and humid in the gym though.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

October 28 - 3 miles

10 minutes on the elliptical with arms (first time in awhile for this one) - HR to 145. Then jogged 3 miles with Lisa. We both really needed each other this morning to get by! It was exceptionally humid in the gym and we both had trouble running. My left outer ankle is bothering me, which I blame my shoes, and my lungs felt heavy. My legs felt fine otherwise. My HR was up to 170 during the run.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

October 27 - Bike + arms

Rode the bike for 20 minutes with Lisa at the gym before work and then completed a biceps/triceps workout.

Monday, October 26, 2009

October 26 - 3.1 miles in 29:15

Ran 3.1 miles outside after work in 74 degree weather with 80% humidity, keeping around 9:15 pace and speeding up to 8:50 at times. It was windy but overcast. Everything felt good and I stopped two times to walk for 1 minute.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

October 25 - 10 mile Evergreen Pumpkin Run

Sarah and I before the race, and Hannah and I after the 10-mile Evergreen Cemetary Pumpkin Run.

60 degrees, 67 percent humidity. Great weather! Did 3 to 1 run/walk ratios with Sarah and Hannah, as she pushed Jeffrey in his stroller. My left IT band began to ache around mile 5.

Monday, October 19, 2009

October 19 - 3 miles

Ran 1 mile on the treadmill then did some upper body weights then came home and ran two miles outside. Great weather again, wore long sleeves for the first time in forever.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

October 17 - 4 miles outside

Great weather in the 60s, and felt good for four miles before heading off to Gainesville for the UF vs. Arkansas football game. Ran 4 miles (abour 3 1-minute walk breaks).

Thursday, October 15, 2009

October 15 - 4 miles

Treadmill run with Lisa before work — 4 miles.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

October 13 - 4 miles

So it appeared to be slightly cooler outside after work, and told me it was 77 and 78% humidity. I laced up my shoes and set out for 3 miles. I finished two in under 20 minutes and rounded out the run with 4 miles in 39:06, including four walk breaks. Right knee hurt a little in the beginning but not too bad.

Monday, October 12, 2009

October 12 - Treadmill Birthday Run - 9 miles!

After a few days off (I woke up Saturday morning, ate breakfast, then checked the weather - 87 degrees and 87% humidity — no thank you — and went back to bed), I knew I needed a long run. I took the day off work for my birthday, so an afternoon treadmill session was in store. I told myself to do at least 4, and that 5 or 6 would be good. I got up to 6, and knew I could keep pushing. The gym was so humid but I kept going. Got to 8, and knew I had one more, but thought at that point I should do 10. I was happy with 9, stretched well, showered in super cold water, and wasn't too stiff later in the evening.

Friday, October 9, 2009

October 8 - 5.5 miles (treadmill)

After skipping the gym Wednesday altogether, after work I decided to do a treadmill run (ridiculously hot outside this week) before going out to dinner. I did 5.5 miles in under an hour, stopping to walk maybe 5 or 6 times for 1 minute. I felt pretty good, except for my right inner shin was bothering me. HR was high, up to 176. I ran mostly 5.8 mph to 6.5 mph.

Monday, October 5, 2009

October 5 - 3 miles

Up early and on the gym treadmill for 3 miles in 30:30. Felt fine, but didn't want to push it. Did an arm workout afterward.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

October 3 - Marine Corp 1/2 Marathon - PR 2:12:22!

Me, Crystal, Jennifer - pre-race, and Crystal and me afterward with our medals!

I flew back into town yesterday afternoon. I had been going back and forth on whether or not to sign up for the Marine Corp 1/2 Marathon. Well, as of 4:22 p.m., I found myself at 1st Place Sports, signing up and getting my race number and shirt. I figured I could do it seeing as how I managed 10 miles last weekend, including the bridges. I just thought I'd take it slow, run 2:30 to 1 run/walk ratios, and be happy to finish. I got up this morning at 4:55, ate my standard peanut butter and banana toast (2 pieces) and bottle of water, checked the weather (75 degrees, 74% humidity) and got ready to go. After the gun went off I steadily ran the first few miles at a moderately slow pace (10:30) including over the Main Street bridge at mile 1 and over the larger Acosta bridge at mile 2. I ended up running until I hit mile 6, in 60 minutes. I was pleasantly surprised. I walked a little here and there, but kept going. The weather was decent, not too hot, not too cool, but mostly overcast. By miles 8 and 9 I felt good and jogged through most of the course. At mile 6.5 and 11 I took chocolate GUs. Around mile 9 I realized that if I kept up a 10 or 11 minute pace I was set to gain a new personal record. I kept thinking, "I can do this." There was a steel drum band at mile 10 which was great and I ran past a guy in a shirt that said "Pain is weakness leaving the body" to which I assured myself (again) that I could do it. Miles 11 and 12 are on the Riverwalk — staring directly into the bright sun. Must keep going, just deal with it, I told myself. As I sprinted around the corner to the finish, I tripped over the finishing mat as I looked down to stop my watch. I fell, and slid, and above all, felt foolish. I quickly got up, got my photo taken, and frantically searched for water. After that I felt fine. My time was 2:12:22, a new personal record, and vast improvement over my Marine Corp 1/2 marathon time last year (2:16:35). I beat my Outback Distance 1/2 time from last year by a mere 17 seconds. I could have done a little better but I didn't want to push it. Overall I was stoked with my finish and so happy I decided to sign up!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

October 1 - 4.25 miles in Miami

Audra and I traveled this week for work (to Orlando and Miami) so Thursday morning we hit our Westin hotel gym and found two neighboring treadmills. It was very humid in the gym but I cranked out 4.25 miles, and Audra did 5. My legs felt fine, and I stopped to walk every 9 minutes or so. Afterward we treated ourselves to breakfast at Einstein Bro. Bagels & coffee and a walk around Coral Gables' Miracle Mile.