Thursday, January 29, 2009

January 29 - 4 miles + confirmation!

It's here, it's here!

The day started out dreary - grey and rainy - and with me sleeping 8 hours and bypassing the gym for yet another morning. (I did go yesterday - 30 min. on the elliptical/30 on the bike) I had an 8:30 meeting and brought my oatmeal and water, and was busy up until lunch so I skipped my mid-morning snack (usually a daily staple!) so after I ate lunch at my desk, I proceeded to eat anything in sight...baked Lays, goji berries, a bag of pretzels, candy, chocolate, M&Ms. If it wasn't nailed down, I ate it. I grew tired as the busy day went on and talks about the economy continued to surface. While I wanted to go home, crawl under the covers and not resurface for a week or so, I knew I should drag myself off to the gym. I did just that. Four miles in 40 minutes (HR to 169 max, and max speed 6.6 mph) and stopped to walk 4 times. I felt fine, but bored, and the left front of my shin (towards the inside) felt like it was bumped or bruised. I got home and finally checked the mail after a few days of forgetting, and my 26.2 With Donna race card confirmation arrived - so I guess this means it's almost go time! How exciting!

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